I am trying to work on washing more of last year's fleeces as it will be shearing time before we know it. Al did shear Adolph, one little Shetland wether, last night. Shetland sheep are an old breed that have something called a "rise" which is the beginning of a natural shedding process. If a Shetland is not shorn before the rise, the fleece becomes matted together near the skin. Al mentioned that he felt he was a little late shearing this fellow but since we had temps in the teens last week we held off. I'd rather have a marginal fleece than a miserable sheep.
I've also begun some more felting. I love to felt & was inspired again by my week in the school. I've got another residency coming up so want to experiment with something a little different for the students to try. It is so much fun to fiddle around the house, stopping a few times a day to gather eggs!
I just wound a skein of your boucle for a lady (in Atlanta) and am in love with it! I'll be asking to order from you soon. Nell @ Knitch