We added another livestock guardian dog on Monday. Baloo is a 6 month old Pyrenees/Kangal cross who came from North Carolina. He was already working with goats, horses and chickens. He is a shy gentleman so we kept him in the house from Monday night until Wednesday morning so that he could warm up to us. We transferred him to the pasture Wednesday. He had apparently never seen a leash before and since it was a bit of a haul out to his pasture it seemed easier to plop him in the wheelbarrel for the trip. Ravi checked him out along the way and apparently gave his approval almost immediately.
Gwen was initially reluctant to accept him. She spent a good twenty minutes barking at him and making intimidating moves without injuring him. She even placed her mouth around his head a few times and also around his ears but never bit down. She was just letting him know that he was in her pasture. He just rolled over and grinned his typical Great Pyrenees grin. Within the hour the two of them were romping.
When I walked back out later, Baloo stood up and barked. As soon as I spoke his name his huge tail began to slowly wag back and forth. He then turned around, sauntered off and laid down in the shade of the tractor barn. Looks like his work skills transferred from North Carolina to our farm!
I stumbled upon your blog the other day and have enjoyed reading about the antics of your many animals! To me it seems like a hard but rewarding job taking care of them all! :)