Much of the day was spent working on bits & pieces of little chores. I picked at a little bit of newly-washed fleece that I'll be using for a residency in a few weeks. I finished spinning another ball of white yarn but did not get out to dye it as it was just a little cold to work comfortably in the stable without turning on the heat & I wasn't excited about doing that when dyeing can wait.
I wound off half a dozen 4 ounce balls of white yarn that we will be using for a knitting class tomorrow. I am excited about this as the teacher will be leading the students as they each knit a white wool scarf. At the end of the 3 week class, I will bring in all the supplies & we will dye their scarves. I just love the dyeing process!
The boys kept a fire going outside much of the day as they are still cleaning branches that were left behind when the electric company trimmed trees. Although the tree company offered to chip the branches, we asked them to leave them as is because the goats LOVE to eat the pine needles & bark off of them. Again, I will remind you that these are very well fed animals but relish variety in their diet. Now that the branches are bare remnants, they can be burned.
Each day I am getting just a few more chicken eggs. And I had another little pullet egg from the Buff Minorcas! The ducks & chickens are plucking away at their straw bales in the chicken yard. Once they pull enough straw out that the bales become very unsteady mushroom shapes, we'll have to knock the bales over so that a bird doesn't die when a bale collapses on it. It would certainly be a shame for the birds to have worked so hard just to end up killing themselves.
Pig Update: The two were not very interested in their pig chow today so I tried wetting it. They still turned up their noses. I came in the house, fried up a dozen duck eggs & sent those out with the boys. They reported the pigs enthusiastically tore in to them. I really don't mind spoiling them.
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