Little Wilmer from Honduras is taking lots & lots of time. He is a sweetheart but needs steady attention & supervision. Today is the first day I've even been able to walk to the back of the farm in a week. I am missing that but realize the importance of what we are doing so cannot mind it terribly. Thanks goodness Al, Glen & Eric have gladly picked up my slack. Katy also came home to join us at Friday's Shriners appointment & play with Wilmer some over the weekend.
Wilmer went to Winthrop University on Monday & got to go swimming at their indoor pool with Katy. He'd been insisting that he could swim in our pool, even with the ice on it. Indoors just seemed like a better plan!
Pig Update: The pigs are eating well & growing. They've been enjoying a little more variety in their diet as I've been sending out scrambled eggs & they've been playing with/eating ears of dried corn that came from Country Boys when they did the after-Halloween clean up.
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