I went out to gather eggs as usual this morning. I was slogging through the mud thinking how lovely it was that the sun was shining when a movement in the back pasture caught my eye. With the way the pasture drops, I could not see an adult sheep but saw a tiny black lamb. In just a second I saw a Shetl

The Shetland sheep are very hardy so they would be fine outside for the day. The reason we like to pull the newly-born lambs into the stable is so that their mothers can have lots of grain & fresh water without having to compete with the other sheep in the pasture. Amy, our Anatolian Shepherd who is the livestock guardian dog in that pasture, watched us carefully as we carried the lambs out of her field. She walked along with us briefly but then let us go. She is a huge dog & those little lambs would barely make a snack for her - it is amazing how she guards them when they seem like they would be such tempting toys.
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