There is still a good bit of snow on the ground but also lots of mud & water running off. The ducks are having a ball bathing everywhere while the goats are tiptoeing & leaping from high spot to high spot.
Aggie, our pretty black Jacob ewe, is in the stable right now. We are treating her for pregnancy toxemia & perhaps milk fever. She was beginning to star-gaze today which is not a good thing. Fortunately, we keep all the necessary equipment & medications here for just about anything animal-related. Aggie was not pleased to be locked up even though Fuzzy & her twins are also in the stable. Al brought Aggie's daughter from last year in to keep her company & perhaps calm her down.

Pig Update: I noticed today that the smaller of the piglets don't have baby voices anymore. They are beginning to grunt in a more throaty voice like the bigger pigs! And they are just SO pushy, climbing either over or under each other to get to food.
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